My New Born Must Haves

Nursery | My Petite Joys

As a first time mom, I now have a few weeks under my belt. And while I still have a lot to learn I now know the products that we used the most in Will’s first three months of life. I remember being so overwhelmed when compiling my registry because I didn’t know what I needed. I wish I knew then what I know now! So I’m sharing the products that I have found to be the most helpful to help upcoming moms figure out what they may find useful.

Snuggle Me Organic Pillow

Will loved this thing in the first few weeks and we used it for day time naps and at night when we kept him in our bed! It’s easy to clean, super soft, and portable.


If you’re breastfeeding this is amazing and so much easier than using a pump sometimes. I was able to build up a decent freezer stash of milk with just using this and not even having to pump. Which means less washing and sterilizing.


My favorite onesies are the ones that have the feet closed and the end and mitten cuffs at the hands. Will would constantly scratch himself so these were an easy way to keep his hands covered! I loved this brand.


We used this every single day and when Will no longer uses it, I plan to use it for the relaxing nature sounds it plays. You can control this from an app on your phone and its hands down one of my favorite baby products. It also looks pretty too!

Ergo Baby Carrier

You’ll find that I recommend a lot of wraps because Will needed to be constantly held the first few months. Constantly. He hated the Ergo carrier at first, but when he was old enough for his legs to spread apart he loved this and I liked it because it has the best lower back support of all my carriers.

Boba Wrap

I used this in the very early days of Will’s life and it was a life saver. The materials is stretchy, but strong, and the wrap is not that hard to use after the first few tries.

Changing Basket

I love this. Its pretty but I was very skeptical if it would hold up against Will’s poops. Well I’m happy to say I love this thing and its still clean! It comes with three extra covers that I can wash and its just so pretty and portable I love this changing basket.

Baby Bjorn Bouncer

I love this thing. Simple to use, sleek, and easy to bounce with your foot while you multitask on the laptop or something.

Boppy Nursing Pillow

I used this when first nursing, and now use it as a pillow to prop will up. I love that it has multiple uses.

A&D Ointment

I am proud to say that Will has never had a diaper rash. And it’s because of this ointment. My mom used it on me and swore by it, and I now see why.


Will developed terrible reflux after three weeks and needed to be propped up on an incline if we put him down. Enter the Podster recommend to me by my friend Agnes. It’s my favorite thing and I literally bring it with me everywhere I go.

Laundry Hamper

The hamper has two sections for lights and darks and is just cute.

Baby Swing

For the record, Will did not use this until he was 9 weeks. He refused to be put in it and I thought it was a waste of money. But once he hit 9 weeks this is now the only thing he naps in and its a god send. He is in this every day multiple times a day, and will often give me at least one two hour nap in his swing.

Nesting Days Shirt

No joke I wore this shirt every single day. It’s a tank top, with a built in carrier and its so easy to just slip the baby in when he’s screaming and you don’t have time or energy to mess with wraps and straps. I will buy this for every new mother that I need to get a gift for that’s how much I like it.

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