A Bargain Find

Two weekends ago my husband and I were taking our weekly weekend trips to Starbucks (we live in a building that has a Starbucks just downstairs – you can imagine what this does to our wallets…) when we spotted an estate sale sign.

Let me tell you something —  I absolutely love estate sales, garage sales, antique shops, you name it.  Basically anytime I get to sort through people’s “junk” I get excited – it sounds cliché but you literally never know what you’re going to discover. I think its the history lover in me – I love thinking about the little treasures I find and who they belonged to.

Anywho it was a cold day and I didn’t dress properly enough for the chill but my love of estate sales provided enough “warmth” and we made our way to the sale. We arrived at an older home that, from the looks of it, had not seen decor updates beyond the year 1975. Or at least I am assuming it was sometime in the 1970s because one of the rooms I walked into had a shag kelly green carpet and dark wood paneling. Très chic!


Despite the decor I stumbled upon a gorgeous collection of lace table cloths. We’re talking thick hand made lace – not the thin paper like lace you see at the stores these days, but good well-used, well-preserved lace. The best part is I only had to pay $1 for a tablecloth that would fit my entire dining room table.

Needless to say I was ecstatic and proceeded to take my new found treasure home as my husband rolled his eyes at me.  So there it is $1 and some vintage lace was all it took to just make my day – doesn’t take much to bring me joy!

What are some of your favorite estate sale finds?

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