The Colors Of India

Colorful India |

When I think back on the memories made in India, the color is what stands out most in my mind. I know I’m not the first person to write about the colors of India, but it really is one of the most colorful countries I’ve visited. The love of color is expressed in everything:  the beautiful saris worn by women of all ages and shapes, the jewelry, the craft markets, the religious sites, the food (my favorite is dal makhani with naan) , the store fronts, the ramshackle tents on the side of the road, the decorated trucks and buses (yes even the trucks and buses are beautified) – color is everywhere, it is central to India and Indian life

Colorful India |

Colorful India |

Colorful India |

Colorful India |

Colorful India |

Colorful India |

Colorful India |

Colorful India |

Colorful India |

Colorful India |

Color is used to its most beautiful effect in Indian weddings. While in India I was privileged to attend the wedding of one of my coworkers – everywhere I looked, color was present in the flowers, foods, saris, and even the silks of the tents used to house the wedding. India uses a symphony of color to celebrate life’s most beautiful moment: love.

Colorful India |

Colorful India |

Colorful India |

Color & Meaning in India

I got curious to see if certain colors symbolize ideas or concepts in Indian culture and they definitely do. From my research I discovered the following symbolism:

  • Red – Purity, spirituality, protection & commitment – usually worn by a woman on her wedding day.
  • Orange – Spirituality, Peace & Wisdom
  • Yellow – Knowledge & Learning
  • Green – Prosperity & Fertility
  • Blue – Krishna , Infinity, Humanity, and Healing
  • Purple – Creativity, Vitality, Mysticism
  • White – Purity, Truth , Mourning

Now I’m not sure if all Indians are aware of this symbolism when they choose what to wear each day, but nevertheless color certainly holds a special place within Indian culture and enhances this country’s rich beauty!

Colorful India |

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  1. Looks like your reminiscing your trip to India. Love your blog and can’t say enough and still have to get over my trip to Mumbai last week. The food, crowd, colors, traffic…missing everything and I go through depression every time I get back from my second home😊

  2. Thinking about the Indian culture and the great connection to colors, I realise that Indians use colors to express that even it is hard to live, the life can be beautiful and worth living. Juicy colors give you strength and energy to go through the day and stress with dignity and love for life!
    This is why I enjoy traveling to countries with very different cultures as ours, European. There I understand how important the family and solidarity are and how blessing it is to welcome every day with a smile and thankful heart that the world still stands.
    Thank you, my friend, for the beautiful post.

  3. Hello Aymisey — I’m glad you liked it ! I completely agree with your thoughts — the colors give off a very positive energy that stands out in some of the harsher environments. I think it says something rather beautiful about the human spirit. 🙂